Join Us

Alison Brier looks after the Guernsey membership and the annual subscription is £12 for one person or a couple, preferably by standing order.

To find out more details about joining please email Alison on Alternatively you may download an application form by clicking the link below.  The completed form should be sent by post to our Treasurer:
Maggie Thompson, Les Rouvets, Les Rouvets Road, Vale GY6 8NQ

Annual payments may best be made to the bank account, with notification to the Treasurer.
Bank: NatWest Bank, High Street, Guernsey GY14BE
Sort code: 60 09 20
Account number: 13414283
Account name: Plant Heritage Guernsey

To minimise admin costs and to help keep the membership fee down, we encourage members to pay by Standing Order.

Benefits of Membership

Members of Plant Heritage Guernsey receive free admission to the year’s programme of local open gardens (some public, some for members only) and lectures, though the importance of some public lectures may mean a small charge. There is normally at least one visit to gardens off the Island arranged every year.

We get the Plant Heritage UK twice-yearly journal Plant Heritage and publicise our own events to members three times a year. In the UK members can visit Plant Heritage gardens or events on the same basis as UK members upon production of their annual membership cards.

Members are encouraged to become involved in the Group’s conservation projects and the specialist plant sales as deeply as they wish.